Hello again!
An important part of choosing a designer to work with is finding out if we will be compatible and get along. There would be nothing worse than finding out that my obsession with dinosaurs is a big ick for you!
So about me, I have nearly 10 years of experience in many different areas of design, from illustration to UX and UI design. My career in design started early on in life when I realised that I had a knack for drawing and illustration. This turned into many wacky birthday cards and gifts for family before I went off to do a degree in Graphic Design. 
A few years of working in the industry, both in house and agency side, I was lucky enough to land a role within the charity sector as a designer and I soon realised that I wanted to use my time and experience to help other small businesses and non profits to fulfil their potential. 
I live in Somerset with my partner and little dog Darwin, and when not designing you'll find me running, biking or exploring in our camper. And as I eluded to earlier, I have a major obsession with dinosaurs and I will try to bring them up in conversation where ever possible - so be warned!
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